Wednesday Writer’s Cafe 3/9

It’s been an interesting week. I am once again spending way too much time on the scheduling committee compounded by a few “entertaining” discoveries.

A) We decided to use Rob’s Rules for the committee since one member had taken on an attitude of “my word is the last word.” LOL, sure it is, that’s why we’re a committee of seven, not of one. After we did that and concluded that meeting the member asked, after I left, if we were using Rob’s Rules because I was intimidated by him. Seriously? grow the bleep up. We’re using Rob’s rules because you’re acting like a bleep-hat.

B) after what amounts to somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 hours of work in the last two weeks, we got word that one of our former students is coming back next year. A student in a wheel chair. The facility we rent has no elevator. So once this kid decides what he wants to take we will have to rearrange the entire schedule to move the classes he wants downstairs and to the day that’s convenient for him. This is not a small coop. We have 130+ students. We offer 65+ k-12 classes packed into 7 rooms (plus outside) on two days of the week. So we could be completely redoing all of this grueling work. I’ll just stab myself in the eye now and be done with it.

Let’s see, in the awesome column, a woman who lives in my neighborhood posted she had a bunch of English newspapers, including some from WWII and did anyone want them? SCORE!

In the “you might be a freak” column. I have a sitter tonight but the desperate desire to be alone with a good book was so high, I didn’t go out. I left the sitter downstairs to entertain my kiddo and I’m hiding upstairs in the library with a can of apple pie filling and a good book. Well hundreds of good books on the shelves around me, but one good book in my hand.

I’ve decided to report on my stated 2016 goals each Wednesday at cafe for a little prod of accountability. You might notice I finally cleaned it up a bit and removed the goals that are completed.

– Participate in one flash fiction challenge per month.

√ eh, haven’t done one for March yet because I’m spending all my time working on the schedule. See above diatribe.

– Prepare and teach “Nano to Publish”.

√ Teaching.

– Edit my 2015 Nano Novel for 2016 publication.

√ ugh not much this week. Damn scheduling committee. And the worst part is if I get elected as VP of education, and no one is running against me, I have to do this committee again next year.

– Any time I am not actively working on my 2015 Nano Novel, write 2500 words per week on my spy novel until it is done. (After four years, it’s time to put this mess to bed.)

-Non Applicable at this time.

Non writing goals

– Prepare and teach two classes at the coop for the 2016-2017 school year.

√ Yeah. I’m on the mock schedule with nano to publish and a class that’s using a geographical approach to look at the unique history and literature of an area. By next week I should know if anyone would sign up for either. Mock schedule goes out this Friday.

– Take better care of my body, ie. stop compulsively painting, crocheting, and writing until my back or shoulder is so tore I can barely use either. Which leads me to …

√ Done good this week.

– yoga daily.

√ five out of seven ain’t bad.

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