Nano 2015 #6

Most of you have never met me. I could stand to lose a few pounds. Or if someone is being really kind, they’ll say I’m pleasantly plump. But I used to be FAT, like 120 pounds fatter than I am now. The reason I explain all this is, when you weigh that much and you don’t let it stop you from hiking, ballroom dancing, yoga, triathlons, rock climbing, etc…it’s kind of hard on your joints. Which is why when I swung my legs over the side of the bed this morning and my knees staged a major coup, I knew it was going to be an interesting day.

Took me til nine to walk the dog.

Then I took the kiddo to the Pac Sci for Grossology. It was very cool and appropriately gross.

Then I got home just in time to host a sleep over with two of my son’s favorite play mates.

So all this is to say, I wrote today but….

Words Today: 162

Time: very little squeezed in between making three beds in the library and cooking dinner.

Total words: 8642

Estimated Completion Date: Dec 5. ah oh spaghetti O

No scenes today, I didn’t even write any. Which means no characters.

2 thoughts on “Nano 2015 #6

  1. I see plenty character … in you. As it turned out my Friday was a word free day at least in the NaNoWriMo way … I did write ‘Forget Me Too’ … thanks for the ‘like’ …. a poem I woke with. Oh and a knee featured this week too, MRI scan Monday gone, keyhole surgery Monday to come, torn meniscus, not me, my wife, a slower dance for both of us the coming weeks, but dance we will … as will you.

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